The Eisenhower Matrix: Work Efficiently by Managing Time

Most effective tools are often the simplest one. One such tool is The Eisenhower Matrix, often also known as Urgent-Important Matrix. The US President Dwight D. Eisenhower supposedly once said: ‘The most urgent decisions are rarely the most important ones’ and he was very right in his assessment. Many people don’t know that Eisenhower is considered a master of time management, i.e. he had the ability to do everything as…

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10 Things You Can Do to be More Humble

You may have noticed that one of the most common traits about successful and well-liked people is their humbleness. It is not that they are humble because they are well liked and successful but the other way round. This trait of being humble help them be well-liked, build relationships and eventually be successful in life. They are also happy because it is scientifically proven that a good relationship is among…

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5 Powerful Ways to Engage with Customers for Success

There is definitely a set of skills required to see the smiling face of a customer after the engagement is over. Whether you are a customer service desk executive, relationship manager or salesperson, you can apply these ‘Powerful Ways to Engage with Customers” to make your customers happy and satisfied. Needless to say, there are direct advantages of happy customers for you and your business. But what are these powerful…

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