Advantages of Computers
The speed of a computer is measured in terms of the number of instructions that it can perform or execute in a second. The speeds of computers are measured in milliseconds (10~3 sec), micro-seconds (10*6 sec), and nano-seconds (10~9sec). Computers are superfast machines and can process millions of instructions per second. Smaller computers can execute thousands of instructions per second, while the more complex machines can execute millions of instructions per second.
Computers are very accurate. They are capable of executing hundreds of instructions without any errors. They do not make mistakes in their computations. They perform each and every calculation with the same accuracy.
The efficiency of computers does not decrease with age. The computers can perform repeated tasks with the same efficiency any number of times without exhausting there selves. Even if they are instructed to execute millions of instructions, they are capable of executing them all with the same speed and efficiency without exhaustion.
Storage Capability
Computers are capable of storing large amounts of data in their storage devices. These dev ices occupy very less space and can store millions of characters in condensed forms. These storage devices typically include floppy disks, tapes, hard disks, CDs etc, the data stored on these devices can be retrieved and reused whenever it is required in future
Computers are very versatile. They are capable not only of performing complex mathematical tasks of science and engineering, but also other non numerical operations fielding air-line reservation, electricity bills, data base management etc.
Disadvantages/Limitations of Computers
Although the computers of today are highly intelligent and sophisticated they have their own limitations. The computer cannot think on its own, since it does not have its own brain. It can only do what is has been programmed to do. It can execute only those jobs that can be expressed as a finite set of instructions to achieve a specific goal. Each of the steps has to be clearly defined. The computers do not learn from previous experience nor can they arrive at a conclusion without going through all the intermediate steps. However the impact of computers on today’s society in phenomenal and they are today an important part of the society.